What's New in Crossword Construction Kit 5


The next generation of Crossword Construction Kit

Crossword Construction Kit 5 has a new modernized look that also enhances program functionality. This list highlights some of the most important changes.


1.Improved the play options for solving a puzzle on your computer.

Select the puzzle and click the Play button to start solving a puzzle. The puzzle appears as designed in the Page Layout.


2.Major enhancements to generate Playable or Printable HTML pages.

·Enhanced and simplified export of puzzles for use on web pages. Now upload the puzzles to a website just as they look in the Puzzle Preview window or on paper.

·Use templates to change the look and feel of web page puzzles.

·The 'Create Printable/Playable Puzzle Page' templates use more modern web page standards such as styles and classes.

·Added an editor dialog to allow the user to edit Playable or Printable template files.

·Improved the Save Web (Create Web Page) dialog.


3.Extensive hints, helps, shortcuts and samples allow you to create crossword puzzles faster and easier than ever before. 

·Press F1 to bring up context sensitive help throughout the program.

·Added shortcuts such as ctrl-s to save and ctrl-p to print.

·Hover the mouse pointer over input fields to view more information about what to enter or how to choose.

·Preview the layout and shape while creating the puzzle.

·Updated help file.

·Updated Quick Start Guide.

·New sample puzzles, shapes and layouts included.


4.Added new sound options for the interactive puzzles.

·Added sounds for Check Puzzle - Error Found and Check Puzzle - All are Correct.

·Choose from a variety of sounds to use for the Winner, Did Not Win, Right Answer and Wrong Answer options.


5.Updated program to work seamlessly with the latest operating systems.

Runs on Windows 7 and 8.


6.Improved the functionality of the thesaurus.

Use the thesaurus to automatically replace an existing word or clue.


7.The .png image file format is now supported.

Save puzzle images in a .png format or use .png images as puzzle backdrops in the page layouts.


8.Available in a portable version.

Take Crossword Construction Kit with you. Run the program from a USB drive or other portable drive. Just attach to any Windows computer and start using the program.


9.Display Scaling

Now supports display scaling on Vista and later.