Create Printable Puzzle Page


Quickly create the puzzle in HTML format to place on a web site.

Puzzle Preview > Save Web > HTML Creation
Web Page Title
Type in the name of the web page in this field. This does not show up on the actual page that users will see. This is the field that search engines will typically search on.


Puzzle Author
You can include the name of the person who created the puzzle in this field or just leave the field blank.

First Header/Second Header
Type text, up to 1,000 characters per field, into the two header fields provided. These can be used for whatever purpose you choose. You can elect to utilize all, none or some of these fields. Click on the Font button to select font type, color, size, etc. Keep in mind that not all font types will display in .htm format. Click on the check box to have the headers centered on the page. If you are familiar with HTML commands, you can embed them within the header fields.

Puzzle Options
These options affect the actual puzzle image that will be displayed on the web page.


Top Horizontal Line

Select this option to place a thin horizontal line on the page above the puzzle image. It is used to separate the headers from the puzzle itself.


Center Puzzle Horizontally

This option places the puzzle image in the center of the page. When a user widens or shrinks their browser window, the puzzle image remains in the center - left to right.


Bottom Horizontal Line

Select this option to place a thin horizontal line on the page below the puzzle image. It is used to separate the footers from the puzzle itself.


Width of puzzle image (in pixels)

Set the size of the puzzle image that will display on the web page. The default setting is 640 pixels wide.

First Footer/Second Footer

Type text, up to 1,000 characters per field, into the two footer fields provided. These can be used for whatever purpose you choose. You can elect to utilize all, none or some of these fields. Click on the Font button to select font type, color, size, etc. Keep in mind that not all font types will display in .htm format. Click on the check box to have the footers centered on the page. If you are familiar with HTML commands, you can embed them within the footer fields.



Click on the Playable button to toggle between the options to create a static puzzle web page or a playable puzzle web page.


Click on the Printable button to toggle between the options to create a static puzzle web page or a playable puzzle web page.



View the .htm template for the puzzle. The template may be edited in the Template Editor.


Create Page

After selecting headers, footers and other settings click on the Create Page button. Both an HTML file (.htm) and JPEG file (.jpg) will be created and saved with the name assigned. Both of these files must be uploaded to the same directory in order for the puzzle to work correctly on the web site. 

View Page

After creating the page, click on the View Page button to open your default browser and view the .htm page just created.


Click on the Close button to exit the window and not save any changes.