File System


Crossword Construction Kit window > Options > Preferences > File System


File Paths

Crash report folder

Crossword Construction Kit includes a small Bug Reporter utility. In case of a program crash, this utility runs and lists any applicable crash data. This data may be emailed to us via the Bug Reporter utility. The data is also saved in a small .txt file. This option allows you to select where you would like to have this data saved on your computer.


If a firewall prevents you from emailing the report via the Bug Reporter utility, you can attach the .txt file to an email using your email client. Of course, you don't have to send us anything if you prefer not . We use the crash data reports to analyze the area of the source code where the error occurred and attempt to fix the problem.


Puzzle data folder

This is the path where supporting program files such as page layouts, puzzle shapes, words added or excluded from the dictionary are stored.


Playable Puzzle HTML Template File

A template is used to create a playable puzzle. Information about the puzzle, such as the title, headers, footers and the puzzle itself, are merged with the template file to create a web page. The template for the playable puzzle is stored in the location specified in the file path. Separate template files are used when creating Printable or Playable web pages.


Printable Puzzle HTML Template File

A template is used to create either a playable or printable puzzle.  Information about the puzzle, such as the title, headers, footers and the puzzle itself, are merged with the template file to create a web page. Separate template files are used when creating Printable or Playable web pages.