Printing a Puzzle

To begin the print process, click on File | Print Puzzle or click on the Printer icon. The following Print window appears. This window allows you to override various puzzle components before printing, adjust fonts and print answer keys.
Puzzle Overrides


Crossword window > Print Puzzle Button


If desired, use this window to override some of the settings previously defined  in the puzzle. If no changes are required, simply click OK to continue. Note: The overrides are for the current print job only. The values selected will not be saved as a permanent modification to the puzzle. 

·Page Layout - Select this option to open the Puzzle Page Layouts window to select another page layout, modify the layout in use or begin designing a new one.

·Fonts - Click on the Fonts button to view a selection of puzzle components that may have the font types, sizes and colors altered. The puzzle components that may be altered are:

Puzzle Answer Font
Puzzle Clue Numbers
Down Clues
Down Header
Across Clues
Across Header

Select the item to be altered. A standard Windows font dialog opens allowing you to make the changes to the current font selection.

·Box Color - Click on the Box Color button to open a standard Windows color palette box. Select the color of the filled boxes from this window. The filled boxes are the boxes not used in the puzzle that fill in the shape that is selected.

·Across Header - This option is primarily for foreign language support. Change the Across clue header to display other text in the puzzle. This text may be permanently set from the main program window in Options | Preferences | Clue Headers.

·Down Header - This option is primarily for foreign language support. Change the Down clue header to display other text in the puzzle. This text may be permanently set from the main program window in Options | Preferences | Clue Headers.

·Bonus Question - Type a bonus question in the edit box. Note: The bonus question will only display in the printed puzzle if the page layout includes space for the question.

·Skeleton Puzzle - Selecting this option will print the puzzle without the filled (solid) boxes. Only the box outlines where letters are to be placed will be shown. With the filled boxes not present, this minimizes the effect of using a shape. A skeleton puzzle is useful if you want to place the puzzle over the top of an image such as a bitmap, or a circle, square or rectangle or to just save on toner if printing.



Parts to Print


Crossword window > Print Puzzle Button > Parts to Print


The main components of the puzzle are listed in this area. A check mark beside each component means that they will be included in the printed output. To exclude one of the components on the printed puzzle, just remove the check mark next to the item to print.
Note: If the Page Layout assigned to the puzzle does not include a component, such as Bonus Question, then it will not appear on the printed puzzle even though the item is selected in this list.


Answer Key Options


Crossword window > Print Puzzle Button > Answer Key


·Answer Key - The Answer Key option prints the puzzle with all the answers filled in the crossword. When this option is selected the other options are not allowed.

·Partial Answers - Use this option to choose one or several answers to be filled in the crossword. After selecting this option, click on the Select button to display a list of all the words in the puzzle. Click or highlight the words in the list that you want displayed in the puzzle and click OK to save.

·Partial Letters - This is another hint option that may be utilized. In the edit box, insert the letters that you would like to have shown on the printed puzzle. For example, type in the letter "e" and every letter "e" in your word list appears on the printed puzzle.


Click OK to open the Puzzle Preview window where you can view the puzzle to make sure that all your settings are correct, before the final print or image export.

Click Exit to close the Print window and return to the window where you were previously working.